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No Money Laundering.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

This is done by people that do illegal business like mafia for example.
My company will never do this, because my company is not doing
illegal things. People say, that they are "washing money", this is
the same.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself is doing this, he/she will leave my company.

No Industrial/Business Espionage (Against Companies and or Third).

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

Hadopi is a not legal instrument, because the internet user is the owner of the public IP-Address of an internet network, and not the ISP.
People and companies in Austria are disclosing confidential information of my company.
Google is disclosing confidential information of my company, so no communication shall be made over this infrastructure from 2011.
22.09.2011: The austrian police has been authorized now to espionate people without a judge, that are violent. So anybody could tell the police now that somebody is violent, and he or she is getting espionated illegaly in austria. People are Stealing technology and product ideas and products because of industrial espionage to grow faster. This is not legal and will never tolerated by my company. My opinion about this: Companies are sometimes espionating their own employees or managers in a way, that is not good (for example Rupert Murdoch 2011, HP before some years). An example for espionage is: All bigger companies have in callcenters the possibility to save the phone calls to improve the quality. They are telling this to customers like this: This phonecall can be saved for quality improvement, if you dont like it, tell it us. This is ok, but it is done in the wrong way. My potential customer could think, that all phonecalls are stored to improve quality. The proper way is: This phonecall is not saved for quality improvement, if you would like to help us to improve the quality of our products, please tell it, and let us work together. This is a possibility for us not to loose any information, if something has not been documented. (It is never needed to save a phonecall, if somebody is calling my callcenter or customer care center, these 2 persons will discuss improvements, errors etc). Nobody doees it like this. The benefit for a company is, that the company is getting contact to people that really would like to improve their products. If it is told in the other way, and done in the other way, it has a negative touch. If it is done as I will do, it is a positive way to do business. This is done in all business areas. I will never do this. Sometimes competitors do this, steal technology etc. (For example Oracle and SAP for Example). Millions of USD are paid because of this to the competitors, if this is done. More products are sold because of this. It will be never possible to prevent industrial espionage, but any company should take care about all possible steps to prevent industrial espionage. I will only prevent industrial espionage, as all companies try this. My company group only invests capital to prevent this. Each case against my company will cost the company / people / people behind at do this least 200M - 500M. If an employee or myself is doing espionage against others or for others, he/she will leave my company. Examples: 1 Bank, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Samsung, Nokia and third. Microsoft and other companies

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself is doing espionage against others or for others, he/she will leave my company.

No Industrial/Business Sabotage (Against Companies and or Third).

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - German Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

My opinion about this:
It is one thing to try to get information about a company by using illegal
or not authorized systems, that damage comanies, health, capital, license information,
technology, future plans, etc. .
My company group only invests capital to prevent this.

Each case against my company will cost the company / people / people behind
at do this at least 200M - 500M.  

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself does this, the employee or myself will leave my company.

No Killing People.

What is this (a possible definition)?

This is not needed, as everybody knows.


Reuters --> Syria National Bank contract with Syria. --> „Das Regime braucht das Bargeld, um seinen Helfern (17 Geheimdienstapparate, die unzähligen Prügeltruppen und die Todesschwadronen) zu bezahlen.“ Lybia War. Syria Killing 45 civilists.

Public Information:

Better situation 2012 for example in UAE, Saudi Arabia, ... .

My opinion about this:
This is never good, and my company group is always against this.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself does this, the employee or myself will leave my company.

No Robbery.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

This is illegal, but is done. People are trying to rob from banks or somewhere else too for example,
and it is possible that my group in the banking area will be robbed too. Security
will try to prevent this positively.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself does this, the employee or myself will leave my company.

No Stealing data from companies or anything from others.

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

This is always bad, and I and my company group will never tolerate this and will
always fight against this illegal behavior. Breaking in or stealing is illegal.

Examples: 1 Bank, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Samsung, Nokia and third.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself does this, the employee or myself will leave my company.

No Bribe Money to get more revenue.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Bigger companies such as for example oracle, microsoft and companies
in other business ares offer money to get an order etc. . I thing that this is the wrong
way to do business. It is ok to give a product to somebody with a specified
discount. It is not ok to offer this capital, this is bribe money.
There are existing companies, that dont have bribe money, and companies that have
and use bribe money.

My company will never take bribe money or something that may be bribe money.
If it is offered, it will be rejected always.
Furthermore my company and an employee never will offer bribe money to anybody, because my
company is never getting bribe money from others, and my company will never have
bribe money. This is quite simple, and how it should be.

If an employee or myself does this, the employee or myself will leave my company.
If an employee or myself does this, the employee or myself will leave my company.

No Cheating/Fraud against customers and persons (Never ordered by my company).

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

Companies did cheat against my company during the years 2001 - 2004 (all company sizes).
Fraud done by Mr. Baier and Miss Erlacher and a list of IT Companies and third companies with
the software of my company. Usage of the customer contacts of my company. They did too steal the
company contract of the "Offenen Erwerbsgesellschaftsfirma" and additional data from my company
since the year 2002. This includes big companies too, that are illegaly involved unfortunately.
Break of the company contract by using the company contacts too and violation of the law in
many cases. Massive Reputation Damage together with companies. Illegaly involved too is the State
Austria in many cases. Involved too are companies / organizations outsice of Austria unfortunately.
The austrian state together with a security company based in great britain did steal directly at the court all communication data from my company including business contacts of my company. The austrian police is illegaly involved too in this case and did to damage my reputation illegaly. Mr. Baier, Miss Erlacher and many companies.
My opinion about this:

I will never do this, and never did this during my life, because this is not correct, and my company
will never do it. 

Rules in my company group - published Information:

Not public Information.

No Terrorism.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


worldpress report Example: New terrorism attack in Afganistan against us soldiers with explosives and bombs. November 2011: Nigeria - terrorism - bombs.

Public Information:

My opinion about this:

I will never do this, and will always try to prevent this with my company group. 
The good thing in GB is the following, that I did read an article, that
an organization from there did publish during the year 2010 and 2011 that they
will never do terrorism, because they did find out, that this is not correct way.
I have been really surprised positively by reading this message.
Terrorism can be bombs for example, working terrorism (massive mobbing against employees), 
private terrorism (people that are injuring other people privately in families, or some others). 
I never did this during my life and will never accept this or do this against others.
There are ways and proven mechanisms to minimize working terrorism, that will be
used in my company globally. 

Telling others about your opinion is correct, and should be always free. 
I await this from all employees in my company group, to tell others
their opinion. If people are doing mistakes in this area, they always get the result 
(for example some politicans, regisseurs, company managers etc).
If a sight of myself is wrong, I am correcting this, and am doing it, if
it is argumented by the other person. Furthermore I tell persons, that 
I was wrong, if they can convince me by something better.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If employees or myself in my group do bombing and real terrorism against others, this person will leave the group.
If employees or myself in my group injure others in a hard way, this person will leave the group too.

No Improper Use Of Monopoly Power.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - German


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Example: Companies are selling products and are discussing the prices with the competitors to
get a higher revenue. This is done in almost all business parts globally (for example
elevators, media markt, saturn, intel, amd, etc. ). It is not ok to discuss a price with a competitor to
hold prices as high as possible to maximize the revenue. A product price is always
depending on the customer too. The EU is getting Billions of EUR, it is not
ok to do this in this way. Markets are globally somewhere restricted, and 
there are existing reasons to do this. If a market is restricted, my company
will do business there and follow these restrictions (Google for example did offer
everything in China, because people want this information, but it is restricted. So they
did open the chinese datacenter somewhere, where it is not ok. My company will never
do this, because some people will think then, that my company is trying to 
do something against these restrictions. My search engine for example will provide a search to
get all information possible, and will have versions in restricted coutries, that
are following these restrictions. If restrictions are changed, the product is changing
If a company would like to get a product of a competitor, this product should be bought to get
the product price, if the price is not public. 
One thing is not good too for example:
A company would like to get an order, and knows all requirements that the company needs.
It is ok to find out the needed requirements with the normal working behavior. It is 
not ok to try to get information with people that did leave or are working
in this company. Companies talk for example with the shop comitee to get the 
contract, if the official way does not work as expected. It is ok to talk 
with everybody in a company, but it is not ok to take lawyers to get contracts.
Finally the good work and do a good job and provide a high quality is the only possibility to 
hold a customer for long. To pay money or to give a product, holidays for free to people
in another company division before doing services in this area is not ok and will not
be done in my company. 

When my company will have a high market share in a market segment, my company will never use this information
to use this in an not good way. My company will do positive things and bring the market 
further with ideas and innovations. Companies are holding the global monopoly by buying 
innovative competitors. This is ok and legitim. 

Rules in my company group - published Information:

Not public Information.

No children work.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

My opinion about this:
Somewhere children have to work very hard for not very much money. This is not a good situation.
(For example to work 10 hours during a day is never good for a child).

In my company, children will have the ability to work from the age of 12 - 14 years.
The work of the child must be a work, that the person likes. It is usual to give
people at schools for example full time jobs during the holidays from an age 
of 15 - 16 years. I did work too in different companies while growing.
The weekly working times will never be more than 20 - 25 hours during a week
for a child. The maximum amount of allowed working time possible depends on the
age of the person.
And all children will get a nice salary as first amount of money earned
in their life real work in a good company group. My company has special requirements and 
will specially take care in a good way about all children, 
if children are working for a specific time in my company.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

Not public Information.

No Drug Dealing.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Wikipedia - English


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Drugs that are not allowed are drugs. But in this case, alcohol, cigarettes are 
drugs too, or for example energy drinks. There are existing hard and soft drugs.
Everybody knows that drugs can damage
the health of persons, if they are comsumed too much. Furthermore people use them
because the organism wants more drug. This is a big business,
and people try them. I already did try a joint to see, what effect it has (only the softest drug). To do
this once or twice is ok, but not more.
Some Medicaments are drugs too, and can damage health. 

In my company group it will be not allowed to smoke inside to prevent that 
people that dont like this smell, are not negatively surprised. This is
why restaurants or public places are divided. To drink 
alcohol will not be allowed in my company. I have been in a bank for example a customer,
and at some events, a sparlking wine has been opened. 
By consuming alcohol the ability to do good work is reduced. Everybody knows this effect. 
To consume alcohol during working times is not allowed in my company. If my company is
making a party outside of the working area, alcohol will be allowed.
Everybody furthermore knows, that is not allowed to drive cars with a comsumation of
alcohol, because the risk to damage others is increasing, and people are killed
because of this behavior. There are different regulations 
in different countries. If people go out for example and it is not allowed
to comsime alcohol something before driving, a person is not drinking because he has
to drive a car. To take a bus or use a taxi is done too. 
This is a good regulation that makes sense (for example in Dubai / UAE, Great Britain). 
Energy drinks for example have been restricted sometimes (e.g. Red Bull in Germany for 
a specific time period).
In specific industries, people are allowed and sometimes 
drink alcohol during work. I am tolerating
this if others do this(for example building industry, bars, restaurants), because
it is usual in some countries. If I for example open a service in this
area, my people will not drink alcohol during their working times.

My company will do business in the healthcare sector (goal of this industry is to
take care about people). My company will never accept hard drugs, that are globally
restricted, and will always try to make this business smaller. 

Unfortunately the yearly value of "illegal industries" is very large globally.

If an employee or myself is doing this in my company, he will leave my company.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If people in my company group are dealing with for example with hard drugs (Hasch, Cocaine),
they will leave the company group.

No Corruption, and never tolerate Corruption.

Wikipedia - English

What is this (a possible definition)?


Spiegel --> Siemens
china news --> Ibm
Corruption Telekom Austria AG 2011 Corruption Telekom Austria AG Article 2 Corruption Police Austria Corruption --> Oracle

Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Money or something with a high product value with a certain percentage of the order value 
is paid to get business contracts during sales. This is a problem worldwide, I and my company group will never do this in any
business area. In Austria is for example existing a department, that tries to prevent this. I have been positively
surprised, when I did hear that this has been done. My company group will never pay money to do services for a company.

Companies are giving sometimes products to suppliers from their core business for a reduced
price and sometimes for free, if they are really satisfied with the good work.
As an example, a company was satisfied with my work of my company as supplier and the chief himself 
did give me a product of him for free. This was a really positive surprise, and I was really happy. 
This was a nice bonus for my good work. Bonuses are paid, when project are finished or
if a major part of a project is finished.
I will do this too, but only once by company and project. The value should not be more than some 100 USD/EUR
for a product / company during a project. This never should be too much. This has nothing to do
with corruption. 

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself is doing this in my company, he will leave my company.

No Mafia, and not tolerate these organizations.

What is this (a possible definition)?

Sicil. Mafia
Sicil. Mafia


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

There are existing illegal business groups, that are spezialized 
to do mainly business with illegal or crime activities. These company are
"washing money" and "invest" capital into other business areas too. 
These organizations are spezialized only on crime. These crime 
organizations are working worldwide, and sometimes kill people too. 

My company group will never work together with these organizations, 
and will not tolerate them.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

If an employee or myself is doing this in my company, he will leave my company.
This means it is not allowed to be actively part of Mafia or a similar organization.

No improper use of monopoly power.

What is this (a possible definition)?



Companies with monopols: Google, Microsoft for example.

Public Information:

My opinion about this:

It is never good to think, that a company could maximize profit or grow faster 
by having a global monopoly. It is good to have a monopoly, but only if it is 
used really seriousely. My company group will show others, when having a monopoly in 
a business area, how to use this in a proper way, and others can buy this
information from the company group.
Companies sometimes have to pay Millions or even Billions because of this.

Rules in my company group - published Information:

Not public Information.

Yes to "Integrity".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Yes to "Quality".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

This means high quality.
There are existing companies that provide bad, not working, good, and excellent
quality. Companies sell because of this some good, or bad or excellent products.
My company will always invest into quality assurance and quality management 
and risk management to provide a good product quality to customers. 
Companies often dont care about quality. Product quality depends too on employees
qualifications and knowledge. Many companies / the major part do not invest 
a lot of capital into further knowledge of employees (= Language, Management, Project
Management abilities). Some companies do not invest capital into knowledge.

Yes to "Setting a high standard".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

My opinion about this:
If a company makes the best product on the market, the company has the chance to grow
automatically the market leader worldwide during years. 
Companies grow to market leaders by innovations, good ideas,
buying companies that have good ideas and innovations. Furthermore it is important
to work honest and accurate. And the will to learn someting is important for
everybody, and will always be supported in my company.

My company invests revenue capital into knowledge and a high standard in all
business areas.

Yes to "Respect".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Yes to "Data Security and Company Security".

What is this (a possible definition)?



Public Information:

My opinion about this:

This is a very important point for a company.

This means, it is important to protect the employees and the company itself. Millions are invested
yearly by companies. This is a big industry part. My small company already did invest too money
into company security. 

My good company group will always be a well protected and secure company in all business areas.
If there is a case, my company will use always all possibilities to prevent illegal activities,
and to take lawers etc. .

Yes to "No Discrimination".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Types of discrimination - English
Types of discrimination - English

Public Information:

My opinion about this:

The company group and all employees will not do this, because they respect other persons, and
what companies and others do.

Yes to "Sportsmanship".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

Be always fair together with others.

Yes to "Promote a positive work environment".

What is this (a possible definition)?


My company provides positive feedback to Microsoft for example.

Public Information:

My opinion about this:

To think positively about things is the best, what people can do.
I am sometimes telling people positive things, improvements etc. and know that it 
is a good things without getting any money for this (in the business area
this is a free product feedback in the product management and quality assurance
department of my company group). There are existing people
that do this not very often. Companies and people are reaching their
goals faster in a positive enviromnemt. There are always people that
are not so positive, and show this to others. This causes delays or
terminations of relations for example. 
People did already tell me more than once, that others can easyly
make profit with me or look, that they are getting profit
from my ideas etc. . This is a character thing of a person to
do something for others or not to do this. Doing something for somebody
else without asking is positive, this shows that a person has a good
character. I do this. Others do this not very often. This is too a
reason, that others did complain about my person. I did discover as
little child that it is good to do something for others. The wishdreams and my company
foundation did appear later then.

An example: To smile.
A regulation that is wrong: Passport photos should be 
made with a smile. There are existing wrong regulation, where
this is not allowed.
So people that don't have much to laugh, smile once, when
they make a passport photo.

Yes to "Protecting Confidental or Proprietary Information of customers, suppliers and partners".

What is this (a possible definition)?


Public Information:

My opinion about this:

My company always signs NDAs and contracts while doing business. 
My company is not giving information about customers, suppliers or partners to third people
outside of the family of the employees or the project staff of my company. There are existing projects
that are restricted more than this too.
This information is kept in my company group internally. My company group is a family friendly company.
If a customer or partner or supplier tells me what to do to get a service contract 
with my group for somebody else, the customer and my group is knowing about this fact. Companies
already did do this (good customer reference), and I already did get contacts to new companies
from people, where I services of my company group have been offered.

It is only made public, if a separate contract is made with the
customer or supplier or partner, where the supplier, customer or partner defines
together with my company group, what information is given to third.

Furhter points about the digital industry

MP3s (Music) is copied and the drm system was never succesful because everybody
does it. In the music area, sometimes labels already tried to
do this to make songs popular. This generates more revenue
and more sold cds. I buy music, if it is good, to support this
industry (cds and mp3s). I buy films, if they are good 
and am supporting this industry / business.
During my studies, I did get in contact with a very clever
guy that did find out a security hole in novell. He did write 
a program to use this to stop a network. 
These guys will get a job or money in companies and in my
company too, if they can crack software of my company in this area, and
tell me how they did this. All bigger companies and states do
this. This guy was and is a really clever guy. 
I will build up a security department together with 
security experts, as bigger companies have too.
This department will never hack into other systems or do 
industrial espionage against third. 
Furthermore I discovered, that is important to have always
the newest software / products. I did use the infrastructure of an 
university to do this. This has been stopped by the university.
All software is cracked and copied worldwide, because it is
not possible to protect any software. The problem is, that the prices
are too high for people, and this is why people do this. 
I do this too, and am downloading software or mp3s or movies 
from the internet as private person. This is, how companies
did get big, if they had good products.
Companies should always buy the software products, if they have
the money to buy it. I buy all software products, that my company
is using for customers, and will do this always. The problem is
sometimes a too high the software price. 
I personally will use too cracked software always privately too, 
to test new things. Many people do this because of the product
high price. 
My company will never hack other systems. Companies do this, but
this is industrial espionage and sabotage. People do this to show
how unsecure systems are, or to make money. This is ok, because
this is just the fault of the company (very low budgets into
security investments). Breaking into companies is illegaly too,
but is done very often.
My company will always buy all software
products then too, and never will use not sold software to support
other companies. 
If people crack a software, they are good educated and technical experts.
If people give music, films or software to others, this is what
everybody does, and it is really ok. The only important 
thing is, that if you like the software, music, film, 
please go into the cinema, or buy the music!
If a software source code or project management documents
etc. is stolen, this should not be tolerated, 
because with this, patents, technologies etc. loose their complete value
of the complete company. Furthermore other companies grow with 
technology and this knowledge faster. My company will never tolerate this.

30th October 2011: Health damage, breaking in - company office. Stealing. Industrial Espionage. Industrial Sabotage. Health damage. Neighbors involved. Data have been given again to accuse these people again.
1th November 2011: Stealing and industrial espionage and manipulation of data again. Health damage again.
2th November 2011: Stealing and industrial espionage and manipulation of data again. Health damage again.
3th November 2011: Stealing and industrial espionage and manipulation of data again. Break in. Neighbors involved again. Health damage again. 
4th November 2011: Stealing and industrial espionage and manipulation of data again. Health damage again. 
5th November 2011: Stealing and industrial espionage and manipulation of data again. Health damage again. Next break in again into the company office. (3 break ins during the last week).
6th November 2011: Stealing and industrial espionage and manipulation again. 
6th November 2011: Industrial espionage again. Health damage again. Neighbors involved again. 
7th November 2011: Industrial espionage again. Health damage again. Neighbors involved again. Next break in into the office.
8th November 2011: Industrial espionage again. Health damage again. Neighbors involved again. Next break in into the office.
12th November 2011: Industrial espionage again. Health damage again. Neighbors involved again too. 
13th November 2011: Industrial espionage again. Health damage again. Neighbors involved again too. 
14th November 2011 - 23th November 2011: Industrial espionage again. Health damage again. Neighbors involved again too. Stealing of technology, data etc. again including office.

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