Everything has been accuse by my company. The Austrian State is illegaly stealing everything from me including all accused companies, that are working and stealing everything from my company. This includes too all trade companies and telco companies too. All companies below are too stealing everything from my company. This has been accused already and all companies have been accused by me. All rights reserved by company e-soft Helbok Hermann. (first outsourcing project about 1994, company since 2001). Copyright Hermann Helbok. Document VAlue Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of EUR Document Version 1.1.1 (This version number has been modified by illegal companies). Date: 01.10.2013 Document Version 1.1.2 (This version number has been modified by illegal companies). Date: 10.2013 Document Version 1.2.8 (This version number has been modified by illegal companies). Date: 03.2014 Document Version 1.3.0 (This version number has been modified by illegal companies). Date: 03.2014 Document Version 1.4.0 (This version number has been modified by illegal companies). Date: 03.2014 Document Version 1.4.1 (This version number has been modified by illegal companies). Date: 02.2015 Stolen Management Strategies: Requested penalties: Penalty for all aquisitions stolen by me: I request a certain percentage of the revenue generated by this aquisition every year and the order volume for the aquisition + 100%. I did already accuse all companies. Penalties by stealing products from me: I request to remove the products from the market and to build my company group in this area. I request shares on the products of 80% and a seat at the board. --- Google: Google stole my internal company compliants and did use them for google. Google Glasses has been stolen from me. Google itself has been stolen from me. Furthermore the Lenses that Google is making with data is too from me and has been stolen from me by google. The buy strategy to buy Motorola from google comes from me. Google itself comes from me. These 2 students stole my search engine. Google is stealing all my company data and stole everything. The search engine itself comes from me. Involved are Werner Benger (Student Mathematics and Employee at the Math Institute Innsbruck), Michael Perkhofer, Tritthart Michael (Student), Rupprecht Leitner (LATER) - Student, Reinhard Stix (Sysadmin University), Knappe Michael (Student). We worked all at unix workstations of HP at the university of Innsbruck in a great and good environment at the "Pool" at the Universtiy in Innsbruck. This environment was much better, that the complete infrastructure of the university of Innsbruck with a good sysadmin. Bill Gates met Michael Perkhofer in the US at a hotel before goole did exist. The search engine is done mow by me, and has been stolen by Google and before google did exist. This has been done by Bill Gates, Sun and Oracle, that did buy sun. Bill Gates and Microsoft did steal this together with people from the university from me 1994 - 1996 as already accused by my company. Google hacked my company infrastructure and stole all my company data including breaking in into my company office too together with companies. Google stole the aquisition of Motorola from me. Google stole Google glass from me. Google stole my search engine. To create a search engine with a simple edit field and a good raking and only a button comes too from me, and has been stolen from google. I did talk about this with people from the university, that did meet Bill Gates, and have been too in the USA at the university. This is, how my search engine has been stolen by google (this was, before the search engine in the usa did exist, and the development has been started in the usa). This has been done by me BEFORE GOOGLE DID EXIST AND BEFORE S.B. and L.P. did start to create this internet search engine. THIS is already everything at CORRUPT COURTS in AUSTRIA and the US and other courts too. Google stole me too the satellite internet plans. Google stole my internal company compliants from my google account. The documents of my company have been stored at google word. These documents have been used by google. All data are stolen every day too by google. Penalty: I request 100 % of the complete revenue of Google since google did exist. Furthermore I request from all companies worldwide, that my search engine and company is build. Google will not exist anymore during the next 10 - 15 years from 2013. This must be done, and will be done by my company. I request the complete revenue since google exists for my company. --- Nokia: To create mobile phones is from me and stolen too from me. (phones without a line). --- Warren Buffets Pledge Foundation has been stolen from me as part of my wishdreams foundation. This is accused now. This has been done by Bill Gates together with Warren Buff. --- Swarovski - Stealing of the glass figures etc. : The complete glass and crystal animals and figures are from me, and has been stolen from me by swarovski. The complete additional revenue comes from my products, that have been stolen by Swarovski completely. My parents had a glass prism / ball, that was very beautiful. I did play as a child with this glass ball / prism. That was very very beautiful. I remember this, because this was so beautiful. To hold this into the sun and to see the spectrum with all colors is very beautiful. I played with this glass, and looked at the sun rays in all colors. I did talk to my mother waltraud helbok as child, that i want have glass animals. German: "Ich will glasfiguren und glastiere haben.". I knew, that it would be beautiful to make or have animals and figures similar than this glass prism and ball, that I played with. This is from me, and has been stolen by swarovski, and swarovski takes the prisms and glass balls too. As this is from me, this is a illegal stealing from me. This did not yet exist. I only wanted have glass animals. My parents heared that. this has been too stolen from me. Swarovski did not invent this. Roland Schwaiger got a job at swarovski after this has been stolen from me directly at the chrstal division of swarovski, that creates these glass animals and figures. This is the next stealing, when I was a child. This is not from an employee at swarovski, that made this. This has been stolem from me. As I worked with my company for the illegal acting company swarovski, the company swarovski told me this lie. This is now a billion dollar business, that swarovski stole too with the persons and the corrupt austrian state. I request the complete revenue from Swarovski. --- HP: (www.hp.com) 1. The management strategy to buy EDS has been stolen from me. 2. To buy the english company during the last years has been stolen from me. 3. To make the Chief of SAP the Chief of HP after the CEO of HP had to resign is from me. I knew about this intention to restructure HP to a software company. He has been fired because of this soon. --- Dell: (www.dell.com) To buyback company shares by Michael Dell comes from me and has been stolen from me. --- Red bull: The complete company red bull and the creation of energy drinks and the global sales from the asian market comes from me and has been stolen by the company and person that founded Red Bull with the Thailand person. This has been stolen from me. Furthermore the marketing strategy to create red bull cola and to create cola comes from me and has been stolen by Red Bull. Furthermore to create mobiles comes from me and has been stolen from Red Bull. The complete company comes from me and has been stolen from me. I did too already accuse this company because of this stealing. The chief or Red Bull wants get Head of Formula 1. I did say this, and this has been stolen from me by Red Bull and the corrupt Austrian State. This will never occur. Red Bull has been stolen from my company already. --- Siemens: To create medical card systems for doctors comes from me and has been stolen from my company. To outsource and to create a new company with their pcs comes from me. To sell this company comes from me. To create a bank by siemens comes from me. Siemens stole me this too. --- Microsoft: Bill Gates stole the following from my company: 1. The investment http://orf.at/stories/2203330/2203331/ comes from me. Stolen by Microsoft and Google and third companies. 2. The gold rice project has been stolen from me by a German Person. The development of this golden rice (genetically modified) and Bill Gates stole this from me. Bill Gates took over this project illegaly from the German and the Company behind. The license and marketing strategy and the license agreement with various linux distributions comes from me and has been stolen from me by microsoft. Various implementations at the Windows 8 OS comes from me and has been stolen by Microsoft from me. Search Engine Bing: To develop a new search engine by wikipedia and to sell this to microsoft comes from me and has been stolen by Wikipedia / Wikimedia from my company. The license project with linux comes from me and has been stolen from me. Revenue: below 1 Bil USD per year. Microsoft further has more success because of doing services against google. Microsoft illegaly makes profits from my marketing strategies including the following: To get more market shares on the us search engine market. This has too been stolen from me by Microsoft. Business software and outsourcing fraud is done against my company together with Microsoft and other telco companies. To integrate a antivirus software into the os comes from me, as this should be part of the os. Made and stolen from Microsoft. Microsoft hacked my company infrastructure and stole all my company data including breaking in into my company office too together with companies. All and bigger Partners do the same and do too global reputation against my company including companies around the world. Yammer has been stolen from me and aquired from Microsoft. This aquisition has been too stolen by Microsoft. The aquisition of Nokia to Microsoft has been stolen by Microsoft from me. The person of the next CEO at Microsoft has been stolen by Microsoft. I request a certain percentage of the revenue generated from this aquisition. I request the complete order volume + 100%, and a percentage of the revenue of from Microsoft because of this stealing. --- Company REWE: 2001 - 2004: To create a the clever products and the complete product strategy is from me. This has been stolen too by the companies in Tirol / Austria. --- Telekom Austria: The rebranding of the Telekom Austria to A1 comes from me and has been stolen from the Telekom Austria. The Change of the shareholder structure to let the swiss telecom invest comes from me and has been stolen by the Telekom Austria. The investment of the egypt Investor into the Telekom Austria comes from me and has been stolen from me by the Telekom Austria. The Investment of the mexican Bill. Helu has been stolen from me by the Telekom Austria. The marketing strategy A1 (auch eins or A eins) etc. comes from me. Telekom Austria stole this completely from my company. The strategy of the CEO of the Telekom Austria go go to Russia and to Saudi Arabia comes from me and has been stolen from the telekom austria. Telekom Austria hacked my company infrastructure and stole all data from my company since decades. Vodafone did too hack my computers and steal all data from my company. They did too break in into my company office possibly. Vodafone and AT and T, and 2 US Telcos stole all data from my company by hacking my company infrastructure several times and manipulating data, and stealing all my company data. This has been done very often. I request from the Telekom Austria the following penalty: The complete order volume from the Telekom Austria of the advertisement and rebranding plus 100% of the order volume as penalty. That the swiss telco is investing into the telekom austria has been stolen from my by doing industrial espionage. --- IPV6 Network: The realization of an IPV6 network test project comes from me and has been stolen in serbia and croatia by a company. Published on heise.de. --- Transportation systems: To create transport systems has been stolen by the Austrian State and the French state. The Westbahn is from me and has been stolen from me. This is an exact copy of my transportation plan. I will do service in this area globally. Transportation system: Persons in the USA stole the following from me. I made a new product in this area: Transport persons globally in small tubes with high speed. This comes from me and has been stolen by people in the USA. There is existing a draft, that bases on my product and has been stolen by me. I request a penalty of this project, and the project must get stopped. Penalty: I request 80% shares on the companies, and to stop these companies. I request the revenue percentage and too a seat at the board at the companies. Ich klage die Westbahn, sowie die ÖBB wegen Diebstahls. Meine Firma, welche ich aufbaue, wird auch im Transportbereich Dienstleistungen erbringen. Von mir stammt die komplette Firmenstrategie, sowie Kalkulation für den Aufbau von Transportunternehmen als Competitor für die ÖBB sowie teilweise Staatlichen Transportunternehmen im Bereich Transportation (Humans and goods). ÖBB Mitarbeitern habe ich eine Kalkulation gezeigt. Diese wurde von dem Management der ÖBB von mir entwendet. Sowohl die Westbahn, als auch die Französische Transportfirma wurden innerhaslb von einigen Jahren sofort gegründet. Dies basiert auf meinem Konzernaufbau. Die Mitarbeiter der ÖBB haben dies dem Management auch mitgeteilit. Daraufhin hat ein Manager der ÖBB die Westbahn gegründet. Sowohl die Kalkulationen wurden von der ÖBB bei Einbrüchen gestohlen, als auch entwendet. Dabei stammt das komplette Design der Westbahn von mir incl. des Designs der Züge, sowie die komplette Wirtschaftliche Kalkulation der Westbahn.. Ich verlange die Überschreibung der Firma Westbahn, sowie eine Anteil an der Firma von 80% sowie einen Sitz im Board der Firma,. Weiters zeige ich die Wiener Linien als auch die ÖBB wegen folgenden Tatbestandes an: Es werden immer wieder die Klimaanlagen absichtlich so betrieben, dass schädliche Abgase in den Innenraum gelangen. Dies wird oft von den Wiener Linien U6 in Tunnels, sowie auch von der ÖBB durchgeführt. Ich klage die ÖBB wegen Körperverletzung und Diebstahls - Air condition misuage. Weiters verlange ich eine Rückerstattung des Zugpreises. Weiters werden immer auch Mobbing und Stalkingaktionen sowie Rufschädigungsaktionen durch Gäste gegen meine Firma und Person durchgeführt. Auch dies wird hiermit zur Anzeige gebracht. Ich verlange einen Schadnesersatz und klage auf 250 Mil EUR Schadensersatz pro Jahr in diesem Fall gegen die Republik Östgerreich sowie den Staat Frankreich. --- Ich klage auch folgenden Diebstahl: Ein Fitnessstudion im Zentrum beim Dorfplatz in der Nähe von Graz zu errichten wurde auch von Josef Eckhart von mir gestohlen. Dies stammt von mir und kann auch nachgewiesen werden. Auch diese Firma würde nicht existieren, wenn ich dies nicht gesagt hätte. (Division Sports at my company group). This nas been made by Josef Eckert. http://www.enginefitness.at/ Completely stolen from me. Adresse: 8111 Judendorf-Straßengel, Hauptplatz 8 Geschäftsführer: Josef Eckhart --- 3. Ich zeige den Diebstahl der Firma Tyromotion an. Dies wurde auch von mir entworfen und konzipiert. (Reha Gerät für Finger und die Hand). Dies wurde auch gestohlen. Ohne mich würde es diese Firma nicht geben. Ich zeige Alexander Kollreider sowie David Ram wegen Diebstahls an. Dieser Diebstahl wurde vom Staat Östereich und der Universität in Graz durchgeführt. Ein Professor in Graz hat dies von mir gestohlen, sowie das REHA Gerät von David Ram und Alexander Kollreider entwickeln lassen. Dies stammt von mir und wurde von mir gestohlen. --- I accuse: Ich klage die SPÖ, sowie ÖVP, sowie den Staat Österreich wegen folgenden Diebstahls: Die SPÖ will die Grundsteuer erhöhen, dies habe ich einmal gesagt. Dies ist ein Diebstahl, auch dies wurde aufgezeichnet und von mir gestohlen. Auch dieser Diebstahl kann von mir nachgewiesen werden. (Tonbandaufzeichnung erstellt von mir). --- www.tyromotion.com These data will be published now too at my website. --- Mobile Telecommunication sales: 1. To sell Telering to T-Mobile comes from me and has been stolen by T-Mobile from me. I request a certain percentage of the revenue generated from this aquisition. I request the complete order volume + 100%. 2. To sell the operator One to Drei comes from me and has been Stolen by Drei and One. I request a certain percentage of the revenue generated from this aquisition. I request the complete order volume + 100%. 3. The investment strategy to sell Drei to the Telekom Austria comes from me and has been stolen by the Telekom Austria. I request a certain percentage of the revenue generated from this aquisition. I request the complete order volume + 100%. ---- Berhsh. Hat: To buy the Company Heinz has been stolen by Warren B. from me. The investment strategy to buy shares on the bank of america comes from me and has been stolen from Berksh. . The investment strategy to buy a american infrastructure and transport company comes from me and has been stolen by Berk. . He did steal from my company at least 5 projedts and investment strategies. Penalty: I request a certain percentage of the revenue generated by this aquisition every year and the order volume for the aquisition + 100%. --- Mc Donalds: To create a new burger comes from me and has been stolen by Mc Donalds. To create vegetarian stores by Mc Donalds comes from me and has been Stolen from my company by Mc Donalds. This is too an area for example, where my company will do service for example. To create Mc Cafes as a new product line comes from me and has been stolen by Mc Donalds from me. --- Retirement SYstems: To change the retirement system as management strategy to the following more fair procedere comes from me: To calculate the pension according the average income of people comes from me. This change prevents companies to give peole before the retirement a lot more money. In this area, my company will doo too services for example. --- Amazon: To make a ebook reader by amazon comes from me and has been stolen by amazon. (a digital reader for books). This idea comes from me. The mamagenemt strategy to create more partners (third party) comes from me and has been stolen from Amazon by me. To invest much money to expansions comes from me and has been stolen by Amazon. To create datacenters and to offer datacenter services comes from my company and has been stolen from amazon from my company. Amazon hacked my company infrastructure and stole all my company data including breaking in into my company office too together with companies possibly. This is done since decades too and done very often. --- Samsung: A cooperation and to end a cooperation and when it was not anymore needed to have this cooperation, comes from me. --- Total: The aquisition of Total comes from me and has been stolen by a saudi company (the buyback). The sales price itself comes from me and has been stolen from me. My company will do too for example a lot in this area. --- Deutsche Telekom: To invest and aquire an american telco company and to do more services in the USA comes from me and has been Stolen by the Deutsche Telekom. With this management strategy from me, the Deutsche Telekom could raise Billions of USD and a big part of its revenue. But the way, how the Deutsche Telekom did this, was not good. I know the failures of the management of the Deutsche Telekom. --- Mercedes: To buy Chrysler in the USA comes from me. But the Managment of Mercedes made a lot of mistakes, this is, why Mercedes did sell this company then. It was a big change for Mercedes, and unfortunately the company could not manage this company. --- Rosneft - Russia - BP: To buy back a russian oil company comes from me, and this management strategy has been stolen from me. (TNK Bp - to Rosneft). I knew already of the shareholder structure of this company. --- All european Banks: The IBAN technology has been stolen from me by doing industrial espionage illegaly. The combination of CC, BLZ and Bank account number has been stolen from me. I request the complete outsourcing volume from all european banks and 5% of all bank account fees of all customers from all european banks. Furthermore I am requesting to stop any further implementations. --- Bank Austria: The investment strategy to sell this bank to the HVB comes from me and has been stolen by Bank Austria. 1. To sell the Hypovereinsbank to the Unicredit Group in Italy comes from me and has been stolen by the Unicredit Group. 2. IT Strategies and outsourcing strategies come from me and habe been stolen from me by the bank austria and unicredit group. And for this the Direktanlage.at, and Unicredit Group stole my company too over the internet banking since years. Direktanlage.at: The bank stole since I have the bank account at this company all data from my company several times over the internet line. This bank has been sold to a german bank and then to the Unicredit Group. Banks too steal a lot of my company, and all company data. They are possibly too involved into break ins into my company. --- IBM: The aquisition of the hosting provider, where an investor had a homepage comes from me and has been stolen from my company by ibm. Ibm too makes more profit by stealing data and management strategies from me. The aquisition of SPSS to IBM has been stolen by IBM from my company from ibm. IBM stole too the marketing strategy from my company to build intel based rack and complete systems. A complete product change and infrastructure project. To build as 400 with redhad linux and deliver these systems to customers comes from me and has been stolen by obm from my company. The aquisition the server department by lenovo comes from me. Furhtermore I told IBM in January 2014, that it would be good to buy the mobile division from google (motorola). Some days later, this has been done. This has been stolen from me by IBM and Lenovo. IBM did too reputation damage against my company. IBM, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Unicredit Group, the Finance Ministry of the Austrian State, Health System of the Austrian State, Siemens and all customers of these companies steal my data, and break in into my company office every day. Furthermore machines, chemicals, illegal surveillance, drugs, medicaments (food manipulation), motors, poison with CO, SOX and Motor emissions are made since 2002 against my company. --- Product - Water with a small amount of smell of fruits etc. Until the following has been stolen from my company, only normal water was availably. Only water with minerals did exist and normal water. My product idea, that I wanted patent and license globally was to create water bottles with a small amount of sirup just for a better taste. This has been stolen by Trade and Water production companies around the world from me. --- Oracle: The company aquisitionand investment strategy to buy Sun has been stolen from by Oracle. --- Switzerland - Change of EU: The change to come nearer to the EU comes from me. To get part to schengen comes from me. All companies in switzerland profit from my company. --- Company Spar: Spar stole the marketing strategy and advertisement strategy to advertise with Sandra Bullock. I request the order volume from the company Spar and a penalty of 30 % of the Order volume from the Company Spar. - See at the top of this page. -- Disney: Aquisition of Lucasfilm comes from me and investment strategy stolen from Disney. The investment strategy to buy Pixar has been stolen from Disney from my company. I request a percentage of the revenue generated for Disney. But the bilance was negative. --- Yahoo/Microsoft: To create a partnership with Microsoft and outsource the search engine serivces. This is a strategy of my search engine and has been stolen by Microsoft and Yahoo. My company and search engine will do this for other search providers too. I request the complete order volume from Microsoft as penalty. --- Ford: To create innovative car systems and complete solutions has been stolen by ford from my company. I mean the computer systems and innovative systems, that ford started to design. This comes too from my company. This has been sent to Ford and other companies in this business area. I request 80 % shares on this product and the global revenue too as penalty. I did send this over a webform to the company ford directly to the employees at Ford to get outsourcing contracts. This has been stolen from Ford by me. This has been sent to Ford, Renauld, and all big car manufacturors around the world. Everything has been stolen by these companies from me. --- Fiat: The aquisition of GM by Fiat comes from me and has been stolen from my company by fiat. I request a percentage of the revenue, that is generated for fiat from Fiat. --- Tamagotchi: To create a computer with a virtual and computer animal to care about. Stolen by a japanese company from my company. Furthermore to create a card game from it as new development came from me and has been stolen from me. --- SAP: To increase the yearly service contrat value to a higher rate comes from me and has been stolen by SAP. The rate itself too comes from me and has been stolen from my company. --- Facebook: The company strategy to offer data centers comes from me and has been stolen by facebook. My company has implemented too in my search engine a lot of social networking functions including friends communications. I had this already implemented before facebook did exist. The strategy to make facebook a bigger company comes from me and has been stolen from my company. --- Swarovski: There is too a case, a product line comes from me. --- EADS (European Aeronatics and Defense Systems): To rename this company group to Airbus comes from me and has been stolen from EADS. 1 Company aquisition of EADS comes from me and has been stolen by EADS. --- Twitter: This company comes from me, and has been stolen from me. The exact message length of the twitter messages come from me and has been too stolen from my company. http://everything-pr.com/saudi-prince-alwaleed-snaps-up-300-mil-stake-in-twitter/231738/ The investment of 300 Mil USD into Twitter has been stolen from me. Furthermore the exact percentage has too been stolen from me, as I did calculate as decision maker a fair offer and share rate. The exact sum of the investment has been stolen from me. This is exactly the sum from me. This has been done by an investor from Saudi Arabia. This is prince Alwleed in Talal from Saudi Arabia. I did say, that he would invest, He did invest, and this has been stolen from me. http://everything-pr.com/saudi-prince-alwaleed-snaps-up-300-mil-stake-in-twitter/231738/ --- Puls4: Puls4 stole my concept to create an investment show, where people can get investment capital. (part of my plans to create tv senders too and tv with my search engine). --- Yammer:. This is exactly implemented and has been stolen by amazon 2007-2008. The founder of yammer and amazon did steal this and implement yammer, that has been sold 2012 to microsoft for 1.1 billion. The complete technology of yammer has been stolen from my company. And the complete thing comes from me. This is a 1 to 1 copy from my company. --- Wirtschaftskammer Austria: The Wirtschaftskammer Austria hacked because of Fraud against my company together with the austrian State and companies my company infrastructure since decades. Reason: Fraud with Business software together with Microsoft, IBM, Google, and many other Companies including the austrian State. - Smarter Cities: My company will build too globally infrastructure and smarter cities. This is not existing yet. - Intel: To desing wearable computers has been stolen from me by Intel. My product is exactly the same (pc with wlan with the size of a nail). The complete product has been stolen by Intel. Furthermore the marketing strategy to sell this pc for wearable and mobile markets comes from me. I request a penalty from Intel and 80% of the product shares, and the revenue too from Intel. Else the product must be taken from the market and not be used. - Apple: The change of apple to create a unix as os comes from me and has been stolen from apple. To change the complete hardware to intel cpus comes from me and has been stolen from me. Included is IPhone, IPad. (from my company and stolen from me). I talked with Mr. Giner Andreas (a company, that does business fraud against my company together with wolfgang Baier, christine Erlacher and Schatz Markus, and all involved companies), Mr. Ischia, that there is not yet existing a good mobile phone. I talked with them of my plans, and the documents and product drafts, that I created for a modern mobile phones and a new generation of mobile phones. I talked too about the patens, that I will make. During this time, nothing did exist on the global market. They did steal this from me too. I have been at the chip manufacturor Infineon. I talked in Linz and Nuernberg, that I will create good mobile phones. They have employees at Apple and in all big companies. They stole this from me. Involved is too a supplier company, that works too for the company siemens. This company is too involved and stole my company data too. I request too the complete revenue as penalty. Apple worked together with Their CEO, that was at the board at Apple. They made these phone and stole this with the companies from me. - Post Austria AG: Creation of self service post boxes. This has been stolen from my company from the Post Austria AG. At the moment, 200 Boxes are installed in Austria. The Post Austria stole this from me and is too involved into the break ins into my company office. I did send this to the Post AG over a Webform, and the Deutsche Post AG over a Web Formular at this company. These companies stole this directly from me. I created too electronic documents concerning this task. The Post Austria AG stole this. Furthermore the Post Austria stole too the creation of offices together with the BAWAG. --- - Stronnach - Magna: That stronach founds a party in austria and moves to Austria comes from me and has been stolen from me. I did already accuse the companies and state because of stealing this. 3 party strategies of the Team Stronach come from me and have been stolen from me. Stronach stole my data only starting about 2010, and when he moved to Austria, not before. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Stronach. I accused this too already and the corrupt austrian state, that is too stealing everything from me. - Unicredit Group: The company Unicredit Group made Advertisement with Concita Wurst. I did too mention this, and recorded this. This has been stolen in realtime with illegal surveillance of my company office. I am going too to court against the Unicredit Group. I did mention this, before the contract has been signed. As I did record, what I said, I can go to court against these companies and will win. http://www.news.at/a/conchita-wurst-bank-austria-werbung -- Rakuten: That the person Lugner, that is attached to the Lungner City in vienna, makes an adveretisement for Rakuten has been told by me. I did record this. This has been stolen by me with industrial espionage and illegal surveillance by the accused companies. He did get a contract to make ads for the company rakuten. This is a german company, that went public. I did too talk, that it may be good, if this company goes public. I did record my voice completely. As everything has been stolen by me, I am going to court now and request a penalty. This is illegal surveillance of my company office and stealing and breaking in into my company office very often. I did mention this, before the contract has been signed, and the marketing campaign has been made. Furthermore I mentioned too the ipo before the company thought about this. As I did record, what I said, I can go to court against these companies and will win. http://www.elektrojournal.at/elektrojournal/richard-lugner-bruellt-fuer-rakuten-63823 http://www.oe24.at/digital/Rakuten-at-greift-jetzt-mit-Richard-Lugner-an/163180771 --- Invemtion of mobile phones, I mean wearable phones, and the complete telco infrastructure behind. I did invent this before any mobile phone did exist. I did talk to a person and persons about this. This has been stolen by Siemens, Nokia, Samsung, from me. I request a penalty of 50 Trillion EUR per year because of stealing this from me by all states and persons. this includes too the infrastructure behind (satellites / local based emmittors). I accuse all telcos and request a penalty of 50 Trillion per year. I can prove this, and request this penalty. I talked after creation of product designs and material to build this with Benno Helbok too. This has been stolen from me. I knew, that I would make a global revenue of minimal 1 trillion per year (I calculated the revenue of a telco company globally, and calculated this). This has been stolen too from me. Furthermore the mobile frequency stuff is bad. I would have the global biggest telco company. I request this penalty now too. Benno Helbok remembers 2015, when I did talk with him about these products. --- The next is, I did invent the internet, and this has been stolen from my by the university of vienna and the austrian state. To build the infrastructure is from me and stolen from me. --- A ilm produced in hollywood has been stolen by me by filmmakers. I request the complete revenue from the company for this film. Casino Austria - (Owner Austrian State): The austrian state and the casinos austria steal the data from all customers over the web. This is too done by the Wirtschaftskammer Austria, the Austria Presseagentur, Unicredit Group, IBM. Penalties from the Austrian state too: The austrian state is very corrupt amd stole me everything too. This includes too the head of WKO (Wirschaftskammer), The head of Justice and the complete justice including the Telekom Austria and all state companies in Austria. The austrian State, Police, BMI, Pensionsversicherung, Ministry for health, finance, education, health, medicine, Lawyers and the complete corrupt justice of the Austrian State, Wirtschaftskammer, Austria Presseagentur, Siemens, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Telekom Austria, Arbeitsmarktservice Austria, Raiffeisen, Nationalbank, Ing. Sochor, Company Mueller, Baumgartner Immobilien, Austria, Unicredit Group, steal everyhting from my company every day and damage my reputation, do illegal surveillance against my person and company every day, use motors and machines, poison, drugs, alcohol, formaldehyd, and illegal substances against my company every day. Break ins are made during the night, when I am sleeping, tresors are opened, narcotics are used against my person. All data are stolen from my company every day. Lobbyism, Reputation, Corruption, Mobbing, Stalking is done every day against my company. --- All rights reserved by company e-soft Helbok Hermann. (first outsourcing project about 1994, company since 2001). Copyright Hermann Helbok.